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Forecast of building materials trend on May 12: Market high transaction slows down

May 13, 2020

On the 11th, the national snail prices were mainly stable, and a small part of them fluctuated 10-50. Among the 50 sample cities, 45 cities remained stable, accounting for 90%; 4 cities increased, with an increase of 10-50, accounting for 8% ; 1 city fell, a drop of 10, accounting for 2%; the current snail trend was volatile, and finally closed down 5. As of press time, Tangshan billet: Changli (HX) and Tangshan local steel mills general carbon billet held a price increase of RMB10 to RMB3140 / ton, including tax ex-factory. From the perspective of the finished materials market, the snail trend fluctuated, which increased the wait-and-see sentiment in the spot market, and manufacturers' pricing was mainly stable. From the perspective of inventory, although the inventory in most regions continues to decline, the total volume is still at a relatively high level, and prices rose faster last week, and market transactions have slowed down at a high level. Some merchants lowered prices slightly for shipments, but considering The market support for steel billet rises is strengthened. Overall, the market price is expected to adjust steadily today.

The main influencing factors are as follows:

1. The period snails fluctuated widely, aggravating the wait-and-see mood in the spot market.

2. Although the inventory continues to decline, the total volume is still at a relatively high level.

3. Billet prices rose and market support increased. It is expected that the price of Hegang third-grade anti-seismic big snail in the Beijing market will be RMB3460 / ton, which is the same as the previous day; Tons, unchanged from the previous day.

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